M1 – Half and Whole Steps Visual
Translatable Verbal Script:
Moving up or down one key changes the pitch a half step; white to black, black to white, and E to F, and B to C.
When moving from white to white or black to black, with a key in between, you’re moving a whole step. Although B and C, and E and F are considered half steps, they represent a full note change on the staff.
Here’s how we’ll represent whole steps and half steps.
Half step, C to S sharp or D flat. Whole step, C to D.
Half step, C sharp or D flat to D. Whole step, C sharp or D flat to D sharp or E flat.
Half step, D to D sharp or E flat. Whole step, D to E.
Half step, D sharp or E flat to E. Whole Step, D sharp or E flat to F.
Half step, E to F. Whole step, E to F sharp or G flat,
Half step, F to F sharp or G flat. Whole step, F to G.
Half step, F sharp or G flat to G. Whole step, F sharp or G flat to G sharp or A flat.
Half step, G to G sharp or A flat. Whole step, G to A.
Half step, G sharp or A flat to A. Whole step, G sharp or A flat to B flat.
Half step, A to A sharp or B flat. Whole step, A to B.
Half step, A sharp or B flat to B. Whole step, A sharp or B flat to C.
Half step, B to C. Whole step, B to C sharp or D flat.
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